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Friday, May 2, 2014

Podcast episode 345ish: Donovan Patrick Mahoney

Donovan Patrick Mahoney
(photo by Darko Sikman Photography)
Ten years doing this show and Donovan Patrick Mahoney was the first guest who wasn't freaked out by coming down to the Downtown East Side at night. Why? He spent many a day and night in the 'hood during his days as a heroin addict. He tells us about his harrowing life on the streets, growing up in the idyllic countryside, OD'ing, getting clean, and doing comedy. One radio listener said, "I learned more about First Nations from that comedian in an hour than I have all my life."

On the air at What's So Funny?
(Photo by Donovan Patrick Mahoney)
Donovan is also a pretty great photographer. He took this shot while talking to me, that's how good he is.

Check it out right here. Or go to iTunes and download it. Stitcher works, too, if that's how you roll. Or PodcastLand.

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