Not much to report here today. On tonight's show we're guest-free. Kevin and I will spin some hot wax and I'll wax poetic about my thrilling victory in a Ping-Pong tournament yesterday. We're gearing up for two weeks from tonight when we'll welcome back old friend
Darryl Lenox. I'm looking forward to that show. Darryl's an amazing comic, and if you're not familiar with him you should check out some of that video over there in the right-hand panel while it's up.
Also coming up, possibly in early August, we'll have comic, writer and host of The Exploding Sandwich podcast,
Devon Lougheed. So you see, we're not completely devoid of content this summer.
Tonight, though, it's comedy clips for the masses. If you have a request, give us a call and we'll do our best to get it on the air for you.
Looking forwards to your having guests again. For a while there it seemed like the Dane Cook mafia was strong-arming people into avoiding your show or something! ;)
Is that the pic of the person you beat in the ping pong tourney?
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