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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Podcast episode 561ish: Eddie Ifft

Standup comic Eddie Ifft has been around, from his early career stint on the second season of Last Comic Standing and his legendary podcast with co-host Jim Jefferies to a kinder, gentler family man today. It's all relative, though. He's still edgy. In this episode, we talk about the story behind getting two of his jokes tinto GQ's top 75 jokes of all time, drinking urine, monsters in the walls, and identity politics humour. He's got opinions!

Listen below, or find us on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, Deezer, iHeart Radio, OwlTail, PodTail, Podblast, Libsyn,,  MyTuner, RadioPublic, PodParadise, iVoox,, PodPalace, and more! (I literally have never heard of most of those. Just googled them now to see where we were.) But if you're a fan of Eddie Ifft listening for the first time, give us a review and ranking. Come on, man. Just do it.

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