Okay, I'm struggling here but that's because I know almost nothing about tonight's guest, Dino Archie. I just happened upon him about a month ago out at Lafflines, where he was emceeing. Who is this guy, I wondered? He's funny. He's African-American (hold on to your charges of racism – I draw attention to it because Vancouver usually only has one black comic at a time). I guessed that he was American by his accent. And he is. Yet here he was hosting a show. American comics tend only to come up when they're headlining.
I spoke to him a bit that night and he said he'd be in town for the next couple of months. Bingo! I snatched him up for What's So Funny? I've since seen him do a set at Nevermind on W. 4th and he killed just like he did at Lafflines. Tonight we'll find out who, exactly, is Dino Archie and why he is here? Is it for a woman? Is he on the lam? Or did he just hear that Vancouver is the place to be for his comedy career? How long will he stay? Tune in.
THIS JUST IN: Just got word Dino can't make it tonight. Doh! But we'll figure out something. I'll let you know as soon as I know.
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