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Friday, May 1, 2015

Podcast episode 387ish: Bobby Slayton

Release the Pitbull! Yes, this episode with the Pitbull of Comedy, Bobby Slayton, is coming out ahead of its airing on radio. Why? Why not?! It's in the can so let's just put it out there. Slayton (or Yid Vicious, as he's been called) was a real gentleman when he sat down to talk with me a couple weeks ago. Oh, still opinionated as all hell and hilarious, but a pussycat. Nice guy. I spent the previous evening binge-watching old Evening at the Improv episodes from the 1980s and found one with him. He was introduced by Harvey Korman. I couldn't stop talking about it with him. So that's the through-line. So we talked about his early days in comedy, how Scientology is different from mainstream religions, how Fox News is different from mainstream news, how his pop-star daughter toured with a different Pitbull, and how his tattoos hold up today.

Here's the streaming link. If you don't want to listen to it in one sitting, go download it at iTunes or Stitcher or your podcast server of choice. That way you can stop and start willy-nilly without having to start from the beginning each time. But you knew that, right? Right?!

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